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Case Studies:Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center Gets Better Support to Serve Their Cause

The Challenge

As the only homeless shelter in Howard County with beds, also supporting those in need of professional crisis intervention, suicide prevention, or outreach services for personal, situational, mental health, and domestic violence crises, Grassroots has their hands full. One volunteer IT person just isn't enough. More support was needed to meet short and long term demands and growth.

The Solution

AIS worked with Grassroots to define their needs and bottlenecks in order to understand how to best support them. The conclusion was that remote managed services (24/7/365) would allow their volunteer IT guy to handle onsite demands while we supported around the clock IT needs that could be handled remotely.

The Results

Grassroots is now better suited to support their cause with quick response to IT needs from our managed services team. Crisis intervention doesn't sleep. Their professional and support services work around the clock, and so do we.

Supporting those in need at the moment they need it

We’ve built a close relationship with Grassroots over the years. When we learned of their need for scalable and responsive IT solutions around the clock, we quickly stepped up to the plate. As the organization has grown and the good word spread of their facilities, team, and services, the ability to scale to meet their mission only got more complex as demands grew.

Organizations, like Grassroots, survive from the support of public and private sector organizations and volunteers who donate their time and services to those who spend their life to help those in need. We took the idea to the AIS Investment Review Board (IRB) who agreed, without hesitation, that this was something we should and could support.

Removing bottlenecks to IT support through remote managed services

As with many small nonprofit organizations, there’s not much budget to work with. Grassroots was lucky enough to have one generous soul donate their time to providing volunteer IT support. The unfortunate reality is that there’s only so much one person can do for an organization that’s growing so rapidly, facing new IT challenges and demands each day.

We were able to take on anything that could and should be done remotely through 24/7/365 managed service support. Now if it’s anything that can be done in-house, their wonderful volunteer team has stepped in to meet those needs.

Providing computer and internet access to those without

In addition to their internal IT needs, Grassroots also has two computer labs for residents of the shelter to use for job research, resume creation, and other needs through their get well program. Computer labs come with their own challenges, and our relationship allows them to rely on additional outside support for troubleshooting and maintenance.

Working together to serve our people

If you’re familiar with Grassroots, you’ll hear the phrase “We never sleep so others can rest easier.” That’s the primary goal of our managed services support team. Whether it’s helping a small nonprofit by providing the tools and technology they need to serve the community or giving an internal IT team a break so they can get a good night’s sleep or spend time with family, our support services operate around the clock, so you don’t have to.

If you’re interested in learning more about Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center and their mission to serve those in need in the community, visit their website.

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