Microsoft Azure

Please join AIS as presenter Kevin Aenmey discusses the Azure Service Bus as a messaging platform hosted in the cloud.  

Thursday, March 26, 2015 – 12:00 PM EST: REGISTER NOW

Azure Service Bus is a messaging platform hosted in the cloud. It provides different messaging capabilities that allow applications to communicate with each other whether those application are running in Azure or on-premises. The asynchronous messaging patterns enabled by Service Bus allows for convenient load leveling, load balancing and temporal decoupling. This talk will provide an introduction to asynchronous messaging with Azure Service Bus.  We will focus on what it is, why you would want to use it and a brief demonstration on a number of asynchronous messaging patterns implemented with Service Bus.

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Presenter: Kevin Aenmey is a Senior Software Engineer at Applied Information Sciences.  A native South African, he graduated with a Bachelor’s in Technology in 2001, immigrated to the United States in 2006 and currently resides in Raleigh, NC. He loves technology, loves to code and has been providing solutions to organizations using the latest Microsoft technologies throughout his career. Register Today!