Microsoft US SI of the Year Award at Microsoft Inspire
AIS won the 2018 Microsoft US SI of the Year award for Azure Performance at Microsoft Inspire in Las Vegas. The award recognizes AIS’ work in Azure consumption values, as well as our success as the #1 United States Co-Sell Partner in the Microsoft Co-Sell Initiative. With over $26 million in Azure consumption and over $12 million in total contract value, AIS assisted Microsoft in retiring over $1 million in Azure goals.

Microsoft generated more than 11,000 co-sell wins with partners like AIS during the past 12 months, equating to roughly $5 billion in contract value through the channel. The figures are the result of Microsoft’s newly-formed One Commercial Partner (OCP) roll-out, designed to drive deeper collaboration between internal direct sellers and partners.

Microsoft described the OCP-driven co-sell program as the “largest sales transformation” in decades.

“In less than a year, AIS partnered with the OCP team to conceive and deliver our co-sell offerings with market-leading results,” said Larry Katzman, AIS Vice President of Marketing and Sales. “We leveraged our Cloud Adoption Framework, which is a collection of services we’ve delivered multiple times while helping our clients adopt Azure. We also included our Legacy Modernization offerings.”

AIS will be expanding our co-sell offerings to include our Office 365 and Dynamics 365 adoption programs in the coming year,

“Congratulations to the OCP Team and the AIS Marketing and Sales Teams for turning the OCP vision into a reality so quickly,” said Tom O’Connell, AIS Managing Partner. “This is only the beginning. We built a solid pipeline and see even better results in FY19.”

AIS Team Members Accepting Award

2018 Microsoft US SI of the Year Award

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